Bird (and nature) News Archive # 2
June 1 - December 31, 2004
Some commonly used abbreviations used are:
"in town" - means in Utopia
SLC pond - pond on South Little Creek Rd.
LC - along Little Creek
TC area - area of Thunder Creek Rd.
UP - Utopia Park on 1050 just west of 187
LM - Lost Maples SNA; GSP - Garner St. Pk.
SRV - Sabinal River Valley
FOS - "First of Season" (usually used for
1st spring or fall migrant to show up locally)
SR - Seco Ridge a couple miles west of Utopia
in Uvalde County
Ode - Odonata (dragonfly or damselfly)
Lep - butterfly
BanCo - Bandera County UvCo - Uvalde County

2004 - June 1 - Dec. 31 reverse chronological order, unless you scroll to end and read from the bottom up.
Dec. 31 - So there ya have a year's worth of local sightings of interest. Likely the first time a birder has spent a year noting birds in the Sabinal River Valley around Utopia. I saw just over 220 species in the Sabinal River Valley, in the year. About 175 were in or over an acre or two of our TC yard!

Dec. 30 - Barn Owl, 5 Slate-colored Junco, 175 Chippys now. Dec. 29 - Around town and to the south, probably over 5 thousand (5000+) Waxwings, all Cedars.

Dec 27 - At Uv.Co.Rd. 354 about a half-mile south of Utopia, there was a RUSTY Blackbird in the pond in the woods off the south side amongst the drinking Robins and Waxwings. At the casita, a Chihuahuan Raven, Long-billed Thrasher, 2 Canyon Towhee.

Dec. 24 - 2500 Robin and 1000 Waxwings here at the adobe, plus another 1500 of each (at least) in town! American Goldfinch now number about 50 at the house, and 30 Sandhill Crane flew over at 6:p.m. (near dark).

Dec. 22 - Remarkable was an AUDUBON'S ORIOLE that came into our "bath/seep" briefly. It flushed as I ran for camera. There is no winter record from up on the plateau! A Merlin was at the north end of town, and a Green Kingfisher at UP.

Dec. 21 - an imm. male Vermilion Flycatcher was along SLC.

Dec. 20 - At least 100 Chippys at the seed pile now....

Dec. 19 - Around Utopia with our friend Phil Rostron we saw 1000 Cedar Waxwings & 700 Robin but no Bohemians unfortunately. Phil found a Blue-headed Vrieo just south of Utopia in a Hackberry grove. And we had about 3 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers around town.

Dec. 18 - Uvalde Christmas Bird Count. Did Ft. Inge, and Leona River areas around Golf Course. Best was 2 AUDUBON'S ORIOLES (photos) at Ft. Inge. Also there were 8 GREEN JAY, 3 KISKADEE, 3 PINE WARBLER. Behind Country Club was an imm. BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK!! 7 MOUNTAIN PLOVER were in field past Ft.Inge. 1300 Sandhill Cranes in fields southeast of there too. Also a Merlin south of Cook's Slough. A Fantastic area and day!

Dec. 17 - An adult GOSHAWK flew west to east over house! Got it in binocs for a minute at least as it passed!

Dec. 16 - FOUR BOHEMIAN WAXWING in a subflock off the side of a Cedar Waxwing flock, circled front yard, nearly landed, saw me and flew off! Uniform gray underbody and wings with white trailing edge of inner wing obvious in flight! Total 600 Robin and 300 Waxwing.

Dec. 14 - 20° F. in a.m.! At UP an ad. White-eyed Vireo first in a while in the area. A Merlin and a Pine Warbler.

Dec. 13 - pair of Chihuahuan Raven flew over. 30 Am.Goldfinch, 4 Siskin, 75+ Chippy and Long-billed Thrasher continue.

Dec. 11 - A BOHEMIAN WAXWING was with Robins calling as it went over house!!!! We went looking around all the way to Camp Wood, where we found an EVENING GROSBEAK (photos)! 2 Merlin were along the Nueces River too. Snipe at SLC pond.

Dec. 10 - A PURPLE FINCH was with Goldfinches and Siskins!

Dec. 9 - An imm. GOLDEN EAGLE flew over house going south! Kathy and I got great looks right overhead! WOW !! Another Chihuahuan Raven also went over.

Dec. 8 - In Uvalde I saw another Pine Warbler, a Ringed Kingfisher a Green Jay, a Kiskadee along Leona River just S. of Hwy. 90 in town. A Couch's Kingbird was along Sabinal River just N. of town of Sabinal. A SHORT-EARED OWL flew over house calling after dark!

Dec. 7 - Spotted Towhee and 45 Sandhill Crane. Long-bill Thrasher continues. At UP 1 Pine Warbler remains with Yellow-rumps still.

Dec. 6 - Heard what only could have been a Bohemian Waxwing as it passed over with Cedars - tre-de-dree - deeper trilled distinctive call note. They have been seen in the panhandle recently and an unprecedented invasion is occurring north of us.

Dec. 4 - At Lost Maples a Golden-crowned Kinglet, 4 Pine Siskin, and 5 mi. N. of Utopia on 187 a Say's Phoebe. Dec. 3 - the first Yellow-throated Warbler in 2 months at UP. December 1 - A late Swainson's Hawk 9 mi. N. of Sabinal, which was seen again on Dec. 8, but not thereafter.

Nov. 30 - 75 Chipping Sparrow now, 45 Am.Goldfinch, 43 Turkey!

Nov. 29 - At UP a BROWN CREEPER! and 1 Pine, 3 Audubon's, 30 Myrtle.

Nov. 26 - FOUR Chihuahuan Raven (family group?) flew over calling.

Nov. 25 - 500 Robin, 150 Waxwing, 20 American Goldfinch, 6 Siskin, 3 Myrtles. At UP 200 Robin, 100 Waxwing. At SLC pond HOODED Merganser!

Nov. 23 - At UP 5 Blue Jay (residents) 1 Pine Warbler (others left?)

Nov. 22 - White-throated Sparrow, Slate-colored Junco, 2 Siskin.

Nov. 20 - Long-billed Thrasuher still daily. 30 Waxwings, juv. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and bathing Hermit Thrush.

Nov. 19 - 500 Robin, 2 Pine Siskin. Saw a Marsh Wren in Uvalde.

Nov. 14 - Song Sparrow still and first Merlin in yard.

Nov. 13 - Song Sparrow at seed with now 60 Chippys, ad. Caracara.

At UP were 6 Flickers (4 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 hybrid), 3 or 4 PINE Warblers, 30 Myrtle and 2 Audubon's Warblers, 1 Blue-headed Vireo a dozen each Robin and Waxwing, 3 Great-tailed Grackle, 6 Lesser Goldfinch. 3 Killdeer were at the SLC pond.

Nov. 11 - Spotted Towhee at seed, 3 Sandhill Crane flew over and a fully BLACK-EARED Bushtit was in a flock of 20 in the yard.

Nov. 9 - A remarkable flight of 1500 Robin passed over house! Also 25 Am. Pipit, 10 Pine Siskin, a PINE Warbler, a Slate-colored Junco, and 5 Myrtle Warblers. At UP there were THREE Pine Warblers! Plus Blue-headed Vireo, White-throated Sparrow, and 10 Myrtles. Nov. 8 - Now 40 Chipping Sparrow present, 2 Myrtle Warbler. Nov. 7 - At Leakey on the Frio River was a probable first Real Co. records of Pine Warbler (ad.male) and Couch's Kingbird!

Nov. 6 - 1 juv. White-crown Sparrow at house, and 1 Am.Pipit flyover. Down in Uvalde at Ft. Inge was a CLAY-COLORED Robin, 4 Green Jay and a Swamp Sparrow! Open Sat & Sun only, it is a "must see spot".

Nov. 5 - 1 juvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 1 Robin, 20 Chippy. At UP 30 Myrtle and 3 Audubon's Warbler, 2 Blue-headed Vireo, 1 Red-shafted Flicker and along Cypress St. outside park was a late Nashville Warbler, a Pine Siskin, and 2 White-crowned Sparrow.

Nov. 2 - heard Cranes (Sandhill) overhead but couldn't see them...

Nov. 1 - 6 Lincoln's Sparrow at gate, 12 Chippy in yard. Chihuahuan Raven passed by calling.

Oct. 30 - Ruby-throat (day 6) present in a.m., gone in p.m.. We arrived here in Utopia one year ago today!

Oct. 28 - Ruby-throat continues. At UP 1 each Tree and N.Rough-winged Swallows and two Myrtle Warblers.

Oct. 27 - 4 Orange-crowned Warbler bathing at once whilst the Ruby-throated Hummingbird USED their splashes to bathe itself!!!! One Clay-colored Sparrow.

Oct. 26 - The Ruby-throated Hummer continues, 1 Nashville at bath.

Oct. 25 - The Long-billed Thrasher and Hermit Thrush continue, and a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird showed up (Selas. gone).

Oct. 24 - A Sharp-shinned Hawk made an attempt on the ad.fem. Rufous/Allen's Hummer while it was at feeder (in rain). Osprey flew over calling in drizzle too! During a break a Zone-tailed Hawk, a N.Harrier and 2 Kestrels passed over.

Oct. 23 - Adult female Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird at feeder.

Oct. 22 - A fly over lone calling Rusty Blackbird was odd, as was a single Cedar Waxwing calling as it passed over.

Oct. 20 - Bathing at our bath/seep was a flock of Warblers consisting of 5 Orange-crowned and 2 Nashvilles!

Oct. 19 - saw the Hermit Thrush today at house. At UP there was male Audubon's Warbler and a Black Phoebe.

Oct. 18 - thought I heard Pine Siskin call (flying over). 5 Barn Swallows, and heard Hermit Thrush call.

Oct.17 - Long-billed Thrasher continues...maybe he'll settle in. 2 Barn Swallow, and a group of 12 Scrub-Jay moved across yard.

Oct. 16 - First of fall Myrtle Warbler today in p.m. Haven't reseen Rufous-capped....despite searching... One Chihuahuan Raven, and a migrating Cooper's Hawk up high.

Oct. 15 - The Ruby-throat continues since 12th, a N. Harrier flew over, and the first of fall Spotted Towhees, a pair, have shown up together interestingly. Could they be the winterers of last season?

Oct. 14 - rained overnight, first major fall cold front blew in. Long-billed Thrasher and Zone-tailed Hawk.

Oct. 13 - Unbelieveable was a RUFOUS-CAPPED Warbler in the yard, seen and heard calling over nearly an hour! Cocked up Wrentit-like tail, mostly rufous head with long white eyeline, green back and yellow throat to breast.... WOW! Also probably the same Ruby-throat as yesterday continues, the first Audubon's Warbler of fall showed, plus 3 Orange-crowned, 1 Nashville, 2 R-c Kinglet, 2 White-eyed Vireo, 8 Bushtit, 2 E. Phoebe, and an imm. Sharpy missed again.

Oct. 12 - a female or imm. Ruby-throat showed up mid-day. A Zebra Heliconian flew by the office window.

Oct. 11 - Vermilion Flycatcher flew over yard...always nice! Seems every morning, E.Bluebirds are going over to the SE.

Oct. 10 - First morning in months without roar of hummer wings. An eerie silence. First White-crowned Sparrow of fall came to seed an hour after I lamented their not having shown up yet. There were also Lincoln's, Lark, Field, Chippy, and Clay-colored Sparrows at the seed. A female Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird made a brief stop, tanked up, and left. A couple Barn Swallows headed south, and the first Northern Flicker (red-winged) of the fall crossed 187 at 470. A huge flight of Monarchs passed this date, in the afternoon probably 50K-100K.

Oct. 9 - Outstanding was a SWAINSON'S Thrush bathing for 5 minutes at 4:20 p.m. followed by a Black-headed Grosbeak at 4:30! Last 10 Hummers left today. None most of day, after few early.

Oct. 8 - 8-10 Ruby-throats still including one ad.male. HUTTON'S Vireo calling and foraging around yard was great!

Oct. 5 - An Orange-crowned Warbler, 4 Nashvilles, 20 Cave and 1 Barn Swallow, a Sharp-shinned Hawk, a Chihuahuan Raven, the Long-billed Thrasher on seed, and a BOBCAT out the window!

Oct. 4 - seems like some of yesterdays stuff still here, a Dickcissel, Blue-headed Vireo, but a 1st yr. male Indigo Bunting, 5 each Barn Swallow and Eastern Bluebirds flew over going south, and in Utopia, 2 Chihuahuan Raven and 6 Scissor-tails still.

Oct. 3 - A Long-billed Thrasher, Blue-headed Vireo, 5 Chippy, 2 Caracara, a Dickcissel on seed, and 10 Ruby-throats (1 ad.male).

Oct. 1 - Another Yellowthroat, House Wren, the first seen postive Lincoln's Sparrow, 8 Nashville Warbler IN bath/seep at once (!) an Indigo Bunting, 8 Ruby-throats (1 ad.male) and 1 Black-chin still.

Sept. 30 - First Northern Harrier of season, another Bell's Vireo, 5 Nashville, a Yellow, and a R-c Kinglet.

Sept. 29 - the fallout still goes on.... 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a Common Yellowthroat, a Blue-headed Vireo, House Wren, 5 Nashville & 1 Yellow Warblers, 2 Clay-colored Sparrow and a lost late single male Purple Martin on a wire over Little Creek.

Sept. 28 - The grounding continues. In yard, 4 Nashville, 2 Yellow, 1 Wilson's, and a House Wren. At UP 5 Nashville, 2 Wilson's, 1 Yellow, and a Blue-headed Vireo. Cypress St. in front of the park had a Nashville, a Wilson's, and a Least Flycatcher! Around town were 4 more Nashvilles, a Yellow, and an imm. male Common Yellowthroat. Then back at the house a GRAY Flycatcher was in the front yard!

Sept. 27 - Rain overnight causing a grounding of migrants. One each Black-throated GREEN, Wilson's, and Nashville Warblers, and a Warbling Vireo, plus 3 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. A veritible fallout of migrants in the yard!

Sept. 26 - Dozen Ruby-throats & 1 ad.male Black-chin still. 2 Nashville Warbler, 1 Indigo Bunting, and 2 more Nashville at Lost Maples, plus a very tardy imm./fem. Black-capped Vireo!

Sept. 25 - 20 Blue-winged Teal blazed over the place low and fast early in the a.m., wings whistling first ya know of them! Then at dusk, a Poorwill called from drive, which then proceeds to come into my surely poor imitation, flying slowly right over our heads several times!

Sept. 24 - 3 Yellow Warbler, Baltimore Oriole.

Sept. 23 - 2-3 dozen Ruby-throat still, couple Black-chinned.

Sept. 22 - Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

Sept. 21 - just south of the town of Sabinal, along the Sabinal River, a Groove-billed ANI.

Sept. 20 - Loggerhead Shrike at house!

Sept. 17 - juv Painted Bunting at UP. Spotted Sandpiper at SLC ponds.

Sept. 15 - Wilson's Warbler, Baltimore Oriole, doz.Ruby-throats.

Sept. 14 - Curve-billed Thrasher on 355 a mile east of town. Couple Barn Swallows at house.

Sept. 13 - Two Baltimore Orioles, an imm male Broad-tailed Hummer, and heard a Lincoln's Sparrow.

Sept. 12 - A Bell's Vireo came into the seep/bath!

Sept. 11 - An imm. female Calliope Hummingbird is sluggin' it out with an ad. male Ruby-throated out front. The first of fall Nashville Warbler came into bath. At the north end of Utopia there were 4 calling Chihuahuan Ravens (family?). In town was a Couch's Kingbird. A Kestrel ws in a field near town.

Sept. 10 - Bathing were a Yellow Warbler, and the first yard Common Yellowthroat! Also the first yard Warbling Vireo! Plus Baltimore Oriole (another different one) and the first of the fall Chipping Sparrow.

Sept. 9 - An immature Caracara passed over (locally raised?). Another Wilson's Warbler and a Yellow-breasted Chat bathed at the bath. An unID'd Cuckoo flew by (no angle on wings to see color or not), and the juv. Painted Bunting is still here.

Sept. 8 - A Wood-Pewee hunted a while, also an Olive-sided Flyc. was on the power line, first since May. Also Wilson's Warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow (FOS), and a new (adult) Baltimore Oriole.

Sept. 7 - Frontal passage. Kathy had 50 hummers on the south side of house at sunup, most of which were gone in an hour or two. They tanked, and split. A HY Baltimore Oriole appeared to be the 9/3 bird. Yellow Warbler and Orchard Orioles passed through.

Sept. 6 - A DUSKY Flycatcher was at TC briefly in the a.m., just before the rains started. Also a male Bullock's Oriole, and the first Golden-fronted Woodpecker there in months. About 4 mi. N. of Utopia on 187 I saw a probable Chihuahuan Raven. Behind the frontal passage at 7:10 p.m. a group of 5 (FIVE) Mississippi Kites blasted past TC going south. An Upland Sandpiper flew over calling at 10: p.m.

Sept. 4 - A Black Phoebe flew by TC. A good hummingbird was calling ("chi-dit, or did-it, or tik-it") a two-note call strongly resembling Broad-billed but it didn't let us see it before flushing off never to be heard again.

Sept. 3 - At TC there was a FOS Chat, an imm. Baltimore Oriole, and one juv. Painted Bunting still....

Sept. 2 - At TC there was an imm. Dickcissel at the seed pile! At UP were 125 Barn, 75 + Cave, and 15+ Bank Swallows.

Sept. 1 - A couple Mississippi Kites were nice at TC, as was a Lesser Nighthawk (saw 3 8/31 in Uvalde during rain).

Aug. 31 - In Uvalde at Cook's Slough there were Kiskadee, Least Grebe, and Neotropic Cormorant as usual. In Sabinal on the way back again detected Blue Jay. There were a dozen+ Scissor-tails along 187 (been absent couple weeks or more),

Aug. 30 - At TC the FOS Kestrel passed. Ruf/Allen's # 10 continues and is an Allen's Hummingbird based on width of outer tail feathers, and vocalizations. An imm. female Hooded Warbler took a bath at the seep!!! A third-mile down the road from home on TC a BLACK-billed Cuckoo flew across road right in front of me, fanning wings as it landed showing complete absence of rufous in primaries.

Aug. 29 - At TC were 5 Orchard Oriole, female Bullock's Oriole 6 Cave Swallow, 1 Yellow Warbler, the FOS Loggerhead Shrike, Upland Sandpiper, Ruf/Al #10, and swarms of Hummers with the passage of cold front.At UP were a couple Indigo Buntings, an imm. Hooded Oriole, and a Yellow-throated Warbler continues.

Also Aug. 29 we went to the sunset bat flight at Frio Cave. Besides it being spectacular beyond words, we saw a hundred or more Cave Swallows over the cave, and a Couch's Kingbird at the entrance gate. Also Great Horned Owl calling, as well as Poor-will, and a couple Upland Sandpipers and 125 Cattle Egrets flew over heading south. Cooper's and Red-tailed Hawks snagged bats. Canyon Wren and Canyon Towhee showed well as did a Ringtail!. A Verdin called on the road into the cave parking lot.

Aug. 28 - imm male Calliope (#3) shows at TC. Also an unID'd Ruf./Allen's is present, Ruf/Al #10 !! Aug. 26-27 - Single Common Nighthawks both nights at dusk at TC.

Aug. 25 - At TC, ad.fem Rufous #8 is joined by imm. male #9!!

Aug. 24 - Highlight was a 20 second look at 10' distance of an imm. male LUCIFER Hmmingbird! It bolted never to be seen again despite much vigilance !!! :( :( :( One Bank Swallow amongst Barn and Caves going south (TC). Also 2 Chimney Swift, and 6 more at UP, + 1 Acadian Flyc., and one Great Egret.

Aug. 22 - Lost Maples walk - see LM reports page.... Adult female Rufous #8 at house (TC) in p.m.!

Aug. 21 - Five Orchard Orioles at TC looked like a family, especially when they all hit the bath together at once! Couple Common Ground-Dove continue.

Aug. 20 - A Chuck-wills-Widow at TC, also an adult female Yellow Warbler (migrant). Probable Hooded Oriole too.

Aug. 18 - Day 4 for imm. male Calliope (which stayed one more day to 19th)! Day 3 for imm. male Rufous, and LOTS of Black-chins and Ruby-throats.

Aug. 16 - Calliope continues at TC. Also a morning flyover Upland Sandpiper low, calling was nice. An imm. male Rufous Hummer showed up (#7), a dozen Ruby-throats, and 50 Black- chins continue at TC. An imm. male Vermilion Flyc. passed.

Aug. 15 - Broad-tailed Hummer continues, fighting with an imm. female Calliope! Two good hummers and they gotta fight !?!?! At the SLC pond were single Baird's & Solitary Sandpipers. Aug. 14 - A female Broad-tailed Hummingbird at TC!

Aug. 12 - A low pair of Caracara at TC seemed to be carrying food. Another half dozen Upland Sandpipers taking off to south at dusk. Adult female Rufous Hummingbird (#6) at TC. Had a brief look of what looked like a juvenile female Golden-cheeked Warbler. Only juv. and female Painted Buntings left this week. At least a dozen Ruby-throats at TC.

Aug. 11 - A Willow Flycatcher sat on the clothesline for a bit at TC. At least 50 Black-chinned Hummingbirds present, and the FIFTH Selasphorus of the fall so far, an adult male Rufous! At least a half dozen Upland Sandpipers took off calling at dusk heading south, still low, and the first I've seen locally

Aug. 10 - Swainson's Hawk flew over TC. Zone-tailed Hawk too. At least 4 Ruby-throated Hummers there too.

Aug. 9 - At UP a juv. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, adult Green Heron, a Green Kingfisher, eclipse male Wood Duck, and Blue Jay. At TC, 3 juv. Blue Grosbeak (just fledged), and a nice pair of Orchard Orioles (male and female).

Aug. 8 - The Ad.M. Golden-cheek overnighted, still present. Also the FOS (first of season - fall in this case) Chipping Sparrow!

Aug. 7 - An Adult male Golden-cheeked Warbler is the 20th (!) to be in the yard since late June - over about 6 weeks.

Aug. 6 - At TC, an imm. male Calliope Hummingbird (stayed to 8th)!

Aug. 5 - Last adult male Painted Bunting seen, and another Golden-cheeked Warbler! Two Common Ground-Dove been around.

August 1 - Three Golden-cheeked Warblers together moving around the yard! Also 3 Orchard Orioles (migrants), 2 Scott's Orioles (still here), a dozen Bushtits, and Rufous Hummers # 3 & 4 still present at TC.

August - the deafening roar of songbird silence. For months, we have listened to them sing every day, nearly all day, and now with breeding season over, silence. Painted Buntings, Summer Tanager, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Field Sparrow, Scott's Orioles, and others, all have fallen silent. Only the roar of Hummingbird wings, now in full migration, breaks the silence.

July is typified by three things. First lots of baby birds: the early nesters get their second set out (Painted Bunting, Cardinal, etc.). Second the late nesters get their first set out (Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Zone-tailed Hawk, etc.). And third, fall migration begins for many birds. Early migrants like Hummingbirds, Orchard Orioles, Black & White Warblers, and others are all on the move, heading south.

July 31 - A Zone-tailed Hawk at gate out front on way out... In Uvalde at Ft. INge, I studied a Dusky Flycatcher for 10 mins.

July 30 - 1st rain since the 6/30-7/1 flood. Black & White Warbler stopped for a bath. Rufous #2 & 3 both continue. Ruby-throated Hummer imm. males now number 2.

July 29 - An imm. female Rufous Hummer (#3) arrived, and the #2 imm. male continues. Also an imm. male Ruby-throated here now!

July 28 - An imm. male Rufous Hummingbird has shown up, Ruf#2! The adult female seems to have left already.

July 27 - Rufous Hummer continues to dominate one feeder, and THREE Golden-cheeked Warblers out front. Ad. male, imm female and male. Also 3 Orchard Orioles, including a beautiful male, and a Least Flycatcher (fall migrant).

July 26 - Adult female Rufous Hummingbird at feeder! Got poor docu shots. Adult male Golden-cheeked Warbler. Chuck-wills-Widow, E.Screech Owl, and 8 Common Nighthawk. At UP there was adult Green Heron (surely nesting), a juv. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (first I've seen locally), and over town a begging imm. Zone-tailed Hawk, surely from a local nesting.

July 25 - imm. male and female Golden-cheeked Warbler out front at TC. Also Orchard and Scott's Orioles.

July 24 - Lost Maples SNA - Zone-tailed Hawk and an adult male Golden-cheeked Warbler best birds. Tons of Eastern Pewees, Red-eyed, and White-eyed Vireos, plus a juv. Yellow-throated Vireo. Here at TC a Barn Owl flew over calling at 9:15 p.m..

July 23 - imm. female Golden-cheeked Warbler at TC, coming into our "seep"! Barn Swallows going south nearly daily now. One Common Ground-Dove, 4 Eastern Bluebird.

July 21 - imm. male Golden-cheeked Warbler at TC.

July 19 - BOBWHITE calling repeatedly from house at TC. (which was heard again on the following day)

July 18 - another (different from yesterdays) Golden- cheeked Warbler at TC! Also an imm. male Orchard Oriole and thought I heard a Bobwhite call.

July 17 - another (!) Golden-cheeked Warbler at house!

July 16 - an imm. Yellow-breasted Chat at TC ( fall migrant)

July 15 - Golden-cheeked Warbler at TC, and another at UP! Also at UP was a Black & White Warbler (fall migrant) and the summer resident Yellow-throated Warbler continues.

July 12 - one imm. Vermilion Flycatcher at TC. July 10 - The female Ruddy Ground-Dove reappeared, this time sitting on the wire and I got great looks in the binocs. Dark bill, no scaling, black spots on wing coverts, fat chunky shape, longish square tail, black wing linings contrasting with cinnamon primaries, clearly a female Ruddy Ground-Dove! There was also a young male Golden-cheeked Warbler at TC.

July 6 - The first fall migrant warbler passed through the yard at TC - a female Black & White Warbler. Then while I was sitting on back porch a large small dove flew right over my head with a long tail, fat body, and black wing linings... a female RUDDY Ground-Dove!

July 5 Common Ground-Dove at TC

July 4 - Caracara and Chimney Swift at TC.

July 3 - 2 Zone-tailed Hawks and 2 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks at TC.

July 2 - another Golden-cheeked Warbler in yard here. In Sabinal I saw an imm. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and Blue Jay.

June 30 to July 1 - overnight a "flood" hit Utopia and the Sabinal River Valley. About 6" of rain fell. The River flooded over the 1050 road, and wiped out the Cliff and Cave Swallow colony nesting there. There wasn't a trace of the swallows mid-morning. Probably washed away with their nests at night. Several low bridge crossings suffered the same fate. A couple of the high bridge crossing colonies were just fine...

June 25 - During a squall in Sabinal about 6 Lesser Nighthawks came out. They (& Common Nighthawks) often do this mid-day right before or after a rain squall.

June 23 - One Golden-cheeked in the a.m., and one in the p.m., at the casita again today, but I was unable to determine if they were the same birds as yesterday.

June 22 - Photographed TWO Golden-cheeked Warblers from the porch! Appeared to be young male and female. Clearly they are off the breeding grounds and moving now.

June 21 - Heard what I'm sure was a Green Violet-Ear at TC, but I couldn't find it before it moved off! Actually I saw a dark blur move away the size and shape of a hummingbird ... The north end of a south bound "blurd". Not a reportable view.

June 20 - There is a Lost Maples report for this date, so check the LM reports page.

June 19 - A GOLDEN-CHEEKED WARBLER was in the oaks and junipers 10' off the front porch! GADZOOKS! There is no territory within a half mile+ of my place. 7 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks around 355 area.

June 16 - Zone-tail and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher again. Blue-gray Gnat must be post-breeding dispersant.

June 15 - 9 Common Grackles flew over, half fledglings.

June 14 - A Yellow-throated Warbler was outside and left to the south.... fall migrant?

June 13 - AGAIN (!!?!!?!) saw a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher!?!

June 12 - Down in Uvalde, Groove-billed Ani, Olive Sparrow and 75 Bank Swallows were fun for something different.

June 10 - Essentially all local nesters, I had 40 species of birds at the house on NTCR, and 12 more going into town. Probably another 8+ species could be had along the river. Pair of Brown-crested Flycatcher at the Pecan Bottoms .5 mi. west of Sabinal River x-ing 3 mi. N. of Utopia. Bell's Vireo singing at Uvalde Co. Rd. 356 x-ing.

June 7 - First rain in nearly a month! I don't know if the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher here that day was going north (late spring migrant) or south (early fall migrant)?

June 2-6 - No migrants, and the reality of spring migration being over can be denied no longer. It's down to nesting birds now. Most resident nesters have a brood out of the nest already. Carolina Wrens & Chickadees, Titmice, Bluebirds, Eastern Phoebe, Green Kingfisher, Cardinal, and even the Turkey Vultures have young on the wing now. For resident nesters, many will attempt a second nesting in June. For the migratory species that are "summer resident" nesters, they are going great guns now. Painted Bunting, Blue Grosbeak, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Summer Tanager, Scott's Oriole, and Zone-tailed Hawk all are in the peak of breeding activity. This makes things easy to find, watch and study. Just don't get too close to nests, and don't leave scent trails leading to them. Watch from a safe distance that doesn't disturb. I found an Eastern Screech-Owl nest this morning (6/6) with at least 2 young poking their miniature owl heads out of the hole.

June 1 - What had to be the last migrant was a Black & White Warbler at TC on this date. Haven't seen a migrant since, though there IS still local bird movement.
Links to archived bird news pages below, broken into 6 month increments. Odd numbers = first half of year, even numbers second half.

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